Saturday, June 21, 2008


Lionel Ruby defines the word "Logophobia" as being the fear of logic (Logic, An Introduction, viii). "This is a characteristic of those who speak disparagingly about the cruciality of valid reasoning and who are not at all disturbed that their position implies contradiction." In our postmodern age, many people reject logic for relativism and feelings. These become the foundation for the way they see the world around them and religion in particular. This attitude even creeps into the church from time to time. When anyone who rejects evidence or facts in order to hold a preconceived idea, belief, or some desired practice regardless of what the Bible says is suffering from "logophobia".

Lord Halifax once said, "Nothing has an uglier look to us than reason when it is not on our side." Again, David Hume pronounced "No man turns against reason until reason turns against him." There is much truth to these two statements. However, man's rebellion against reason does not change the universal truth of God's Word. This attitude still comes down to simple rebellion against God.

God said, "Come now, and let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18). His desire for us is to reject postmodernism and hold to His Will. He also commands us to do this. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21). We have the inspired example of how the Bereans were commended for searching the scriptures (Acts 17:11). We are told to contend for the faith, and be ready to give an answer (Jude 3; 1 Peter 3:15). May we never be ashamed of God's Word, and may we always have the courage to face the truth - even when it is not appealing to our finite human sensibilities.

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