Most parents recognize the value of a good education. We want our children to have all the advantages in life that a well rounded education can give them. Of course, "well rounded" means we must be just as concerned about their spiritual education. The three R's are Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic, as they say. Well, there are another three R's for the Bible School.
First, is resolution. Do you remember what Hannah promised God if He would give her a "man child." She promised that she would give the child back to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:11). Today we also should give our children back to the Lord by teaching them. Spiritual teaching should begin in the home, but there is great value in taking them to Bible school as well. Yet, so many people allow even the smallest things to come between their children and real spiritual development. The best way to avoid the neglect of our children's spiritual education is to resolve to go.
Second, is responsibility. We know we are to train up our children (Proverbs 22:6), and to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Where does Bible school fit in to this responsibility? During the past few decades, the demands on the Christian home have multiplied. The Bible school is an organized effort on the part of the local church to provide supplemental Christian training. It offers us an opportunity to study in a social setting among peers and in a larger Christian environment. It provides a structured learning experience, whereas the home is suited to more casual learning. It offers a systematic approach to the study of the Bible which the home often misses. It provides a climate of mutual encouragement. Could Christianity continue without the Bible school? Yes! However, the home would have to undergo some radical changes. So it still all comes back to the responsibility to do the best we can for our children.
Finally, is reward. Consider Timothy. Paul spoke of his genuine faith which first dwelt in his grandmother and mother (2 Timothy 1:5). He spoke of how he had known the scriptures from childhood (2 Timothy 3:15). Can you imagine the reward of these two precious ladies? Just knowing what kind of young man Timothy had become was their reward. My wife has written "Goal" in her Bible next to 3 John 4. This verse says, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." This should be every Christian parent's goal. And if it is, it will also become your greatest reward!
Are you taking full advantage of the spiritual opportunities available for your children? Are you showing them a good and positive example? Remember there are wonderful Christians who diligently prepare for the Bible classes they teach. More goes into this than most people know. Make your children's spiritual welfare the goal of your life and let the Bible school help.
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