Friday, June 22, 2007

Sexual Purity

In a new study from the CDC, statistics show that only 11 percent of never married adults have remained sexually chaste until their weddings. There are many disturbing results from this study which can be seen in this AP article . It is no secret that we live in a sex crazed society.

I'm afraid that too many Christians have simply given up on purity among our teens. I have heard some parents try to absolve themselves of their responsibility in this matter by saying, "Kids will be kids." I have seen heartbroken, distraught parents in shock when they learn that their teenage daughter is pregnant or cohabitating. Yet, just a few months before, they were defending the practices of inappropriate dancing, "mixed swimming," which involves immodest clothing, and other worldly practices. Bottom line -- one of the main reasons we are having such a problem with teen sex today is the inappropriate attitudes of adults toward sex outside of marriage. Why is there a double standard between teens and adults when it comes to sexual behavior?

If there is a lesson in the statistics for Christians today, it is that we must not shy away from preaching and teaching in the pulpit and in the home against premarital and extramarital sex.

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