The battle against the works of darkness never ends.
I just ran across this article which tells about a Maryland school board's attempt to indoctrinate children with misinformation concerning homosexuality.
We live in an increasingly dangerous society. It is especially critical that we not only take our children to school, but that we also keep up with the things to which they are exposed. As a matter of fact, a child's primary teachers are his/her parents. Mom, Dad, you have to keep yourself informed in order to counter the evil influences your children do encounter almost daily.
For example, the following excerpts are taken from "The Marketing of Evil" by David Kupelian.
1. In February 1988 some 175 leading activists representing homosexual groups from across the nation held a war conference in Warrenton, VA to map out their movement's future. Shortly thereafter, activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen put into book form the comprehensive public relations plan they had been advocating with their gay-rights peers for several years.... Together they wrote "After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s (23).
2. They admitted that their campaign "depends centrally upon a program of unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded in long-established principles of psychology and advertising" (24).
3. If "environmental factors' are involved -- and everyone knows they are, whether or not they publicly admit it -- why then advise homosexuals to claim they were "born gay"? "To suggest in public that homosexuality might be chosen," Kirk and Madsen explain, "is to open the can of worms labeled 'moral choices and sin' and give the religious intransigents a stick to beat us with. Straights must be taught that it is as natural for some persons to be homosexual as it is for others to be heterosexual: wickedness and seduction have nothing to do with it" (34).
4. They wrote, "It makes no difference that the ads are lies, not to us, because we're using them to ethically good effect, to counter negative stereotypes that are every bit as much lies, and far more wicked ones" (28).
These are only a few short excerpts from one chapter of Kupelians book, but they reveal what we are up against. This and other liberal social issues are driven by lies and misinformation. Now they are trying to teach these lies in some of our schools. I highly recommend "The Marketing of Evil." You can buy this book by clicking on the link below. It is well worth it.