Tuesday, May 22, 2007

...Because of Love

Michelle Boorman is not your typical student. She has not missed a day of school in 14 years. She started school at the age of 4 and now at 18, she has never missed a single day. What was her secret? '"There is no secret as to why I have not had a day off sick in the whole of my school life,' she said. 'I love school so have never been tempted to have a day off or use feeling unwell as an excuse not to come in."'

When we love someone or something, we cannot stay away. That is what love is all about. I can't help but wonder why so many Christians don't want to worship God or assemble with brethren every chance they get. Could the reason be the lack of love? Neglecting to worship God every chance we have indicates something about our hearts. It shouts out the secret that we lack love for Jesus and for His Church. Michelle Boorman said the reason she did not miss a day of school in 14 years was not a secret -- she loved school. Do you love the Lord and His Church? Jesus said, "“If you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15).

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