Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Islam: A Religion of the Flesh?

I had never heard of this one, but Islam has a practice called "sigheh." You can read about it in this article from The Scotsman. This is a practice that is known as "temporary marriage" which is supported by the Shia but not the Sunni Muslims in Iran. The sigheh marriages can be entered for any length of time between one hour and 99 years according to the article. Those who advocate this practice do so to accommodate the sexual desires of the unmarried. Some say it will solve the problem of prostitution. Extra-marital and premarital sex is a crime in Islam and carries serious punishments. Therefore, supporters think this will put a stop to many of these crimes.

It is interesting to me that a religion that touts purity and severe punishment for impurity can simply legalize fornication. This is simply more evidence that Islam is a religion of the flesh.

The real purity that Jesus, the Son of God taught and commands is from the heart (Matthew 15:19). Real purity is does not try to rationalize imaginary "loop holes." Human beings can control their sexual desires (Phil 4:8, 13). Christianity does not give only lip-service to the practice of purity; real Christians deny unholy lusts and follow Christ (Luke 9:23). The Lord's kingdom is spiritual in nature, and therefore, rules in the souls of men. The contrast between Christianity and Islam is abundantly clear.

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